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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Early Irons of Orlando - Membership News!
An invitation is now going out from one of the oldest street rod clubs in Florida, inviting Orlando car enthusiasts to take advantage of this super-cool opportunity. You now have chance to become a part of one of the longest established car clubs in Florida!  

As the DJs of their spring event, we wanted to share this with you in hopes of making their club even stronger as they support local charities and provide a great family environment for show participants.  Read on:

News Release – January 2014
Early Irons of Orlando is announcing a new membership category. The new category called Friends and Family Member is a membership that provides member benefits, but still allows the member to participate in the Annual Easter Rod Run. The rods run fees are included in the membership rate.
Early Irons of Orlando is one of the oldest street rod clubs in the southeastern USA. The club is currently an open club dedicated to preserving and encouraging interest or ownership of modified vehicles 40 years or older.
Friends and Family Members may participate in as many or as little activities as desired that the club provides, including club business meetings, fundraisers, club activities or the annual Easter Rod Run.
Friends and Family membership fees are $10 administration fee (first year only) and $20 yearly dues. Membership dues include registration for the Easter Rod Run (one vehicle per membership each year). Other vehicles may be entered at the regular rod run rate. As a charter club with National Street Rod Association (NSRA) all members are encouraged, but not required, to belong to the NSRA organization.
For entry into the Early Irons organization as a Friends and Family Member, please send first year fee of $30 to Early Irons of Orlando, P.O. Box 533837, Orlando FL 32853. Please fill out form on back and keep a copy. Upon confirmation a member card and packet will be sent to you and confirmation of registration into the following Easter Rod Run. Regular meeting minutes will be e-mailed monthly. Invitations to other club activities will be sent via e-mail or other means.
Here is an opportunity to be affiliated with one of Florida’s Oldest Street Rod Clubs and still participate in the oldest continuous rod run in the southeast now in its 43rd year of operation.

See you on the street,

Gene Price, President, Early Irons of Orlando

Early Irons of Orlando - Friends and Family Membership 2014

Applicant Information

Birthday (No year):
Phone (cell):
Current address:
ZIP Code:
Make vehicle

Employment Information

Currently employed?:
How long?
Other talents

Emergency Contact

Name of a relative not residing with you:
ZIP Code:

Spouse Information (if joint membership)

Birthday (no year):
Phone (cell):

Spouse Employment Information

Currently employed?:
How long?
Other talents

Other speciality or classic vehicles owned by member (Year/Make/Model)

Children if membership privileges desired



By execution of this form, I, the undersigned or any member of my family will not hold the Early Irons or anyone affiliated with this organization, liable for any and all damages that may occur to me, my family, or my property occurring during any and all activities.
Signature of applicant:
Signature of spouse
 (only if for a joint membership):

Friday, February 21, 2014

Car Show

Come Support our Veterans
Gator Harley Davidson presents the Spring Cruise-In
1745 Hwy. 441/East Main Street, Leesburg

March 29, 10:00am-3:00pm
$300 CASH to be given away! Mystery music contest, prizes, 50/50 benefits Veterans of Resource and Recovery for the Homeless, food will be available from Al's Landing.
352-787-8050 - Peggy

Mark you calendars for the next 5th Saturday Cruise-In May 31st

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Hurry! Register Now! Easter Rod Run

A great show is planned for all who attended this year's Easter Rod Run.  New location! Friday Nite FREE Cruise-In open to ALL!

Roll-back on the Saturday Car Show registration fee - now only $15!  Great fun with games, 50/50 and more!  WJBJ is excited to be a part of this event and we'd love to see you there!