Location Change: For the Months of November and December WJBJ sound will be set ip in front of the police station. We will park starting at the police station and fill lots to the Farmers Market Pavilion.
Bring toys tonight - this is the last collection before we turn toys over to WInter Garden's finest to deliver to area kids.
Registration opens at 4:00, trophies and CASH give aways begin at 8:00 at the fountain. MUST BE PRESENT to win trophies and CASH.
Please be patient as volunteers help to change the traffic flow and prepare the streets for our arrival.
FREE registration! Please register your car so we can get an accurate count of vehicles.
Half of the 50/50 will be awarded to one ticket holder, the other half of the 50/50 pays the expenses needed to continue this cruise - thank you for your support! You make this cruise special, thank you for cruising Winter Garden.
We have great sponsors! Express your thanks to Winter Garden merchant sponsors by supporting their businesses.