AWJBJ update to keep you informed:
45th Early Irons Easter Rod Run postponed until
Orlando, FL, December 28, 2015
Dear Street
Rodders and Friends;
As you
probably know, a very large car show takes place annually in Daytona on the
last weekend of March. Easter falls on that weekend in 2016 as well. After
considering all of our options, the Early Irons have decided to postpone our 45th
Easter Rod Run until April 14-15, 2017.
Shoot, gall
darn it, phooey, yea that’s what we said too! Relax this double up of two great
shows doesn’t happen again until 2024. NOW let’s look at the positive side of
our decision, none of our faithful participants will have to choose which show
to attend, and that’s a good thing! Even better the Early Irons have committed
this “break” to organize, recruit new members, and to re-align our “brand” for
a more up-to-date approach to our event. See our new logo above.
We can assure
you that your experience at our 2017 event will be memorable. Same location,
Easter weekend (April 14-15, 2017), and be ready to have more fun and good
times and meet more people than you can imagine. We promise. We want to thank
you all for your support over the last 44 years. The Easter show in 2017 starts
the next chapter for the Early Irons Rod Run and also for the Early Irons. We
hope you will be there to share it with us, after all, the show is for you! We
remain, “Dedicated to fun with cars”.
See ya on the
street! Sincerely the Early Irons
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